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Bird Control

Bird Control


The perfect, 'non-toxic' all green protection against birds
- from plant to harvest.
Our product is designed and manufactured in South Africa

These units are solar powered and supplied with an auxiliary battery

This one is for the farmers, city and suburban residence and land alike

- The farmers unit is supplied with a 3 meter pole at R3450.00 (each unit sold with 4 x reflective danglers free)
It has been proved that only one spinner and four dangles is needed per hectare. But for optimum efficiency it is best to place two sets per land.


- City and suburban units are supplied with a 40cm high with a stand that is ready to be mounted onto the roof or just about any structure at R2950.00 each.

A. Electric rotation spinner - No wind needed. This part is turned by a motor that is connected to a 12v battery. The unit is also fitted with an automatic On-Off control that switches the unit on at 4:30am and off again at 7:30pm.
B. The battery is charged with a solar panel. Thus the unit does not need to be close to a power point, nor do you need to charge the battery. The battery and the solar panel is fitted into a steel box that is locked with a padlock. This will help prevent theft of the solar panel and the battery.  
C. The box is fitted with a speed control turn button. If you feel the reflecting part is turning to slow, or need to speed the unit up due to a huge bird infestation, you can adjust it by simply turning the knob.
D. The complete system is fitted onto a 3 meter natural anodised aluminium pole. If you need to extend the pole, simply tie to pole onto an even higher pole. The unit woks best if it is around 40cm above the three or plant top that need protection.

We suggest that two of these units are placed per hectare along with 6 of our reflective danglers. Now sit back and enjoy up-to a 80% better crop!
Our units are also perfect to deter birds while planting seeds and the units are easy to move from one location to the next. Once complete unit only weighs around 12.5 kg.
The battery should be the only part you need to replace. This should be done around every 5 years.

Be sure to mention your success to all the other farmers and please refer them to us.

More about our product...

Rotation mirror reflectors are ideal for bird control just about anywhere. The issue is that some units currently used is only 30% to 40% effective. Our units are designed to reflect in just about all directions, making it the most versatile unit internationally. Our bird control unit works for getting rid of 99% of the birds in a humane way and will work equally well from the Cape to Cairo.
This unique harvest defender works with a 12 volt battery that is also fitted with a solar power charging panel and an auto electronic "on – off" switch. The harvest defender automatically starts its operation at 4:30am and then again switches of again at 7:30am.

The 12 volt battery will need to be replace every 4 to 5 years or so. This is an easy D.I.Y. operation.
Each unit is also fitted with an adjustable speed control unit. If you feel the unit might be turning a bit too slow to your liking, you are able to simply turn the speed control up a notch (be advised that the speed should be at around the same speed as a traditional disco mirror ball to in order to obtain the best results).

The next best thing...

The green laser beam is a highly effective way to get rid of birds in their nesting areas. During sunset or dusk, simply point the green laser light in the trees around the area that you would like to clear of birds. You will notice that they will clear the trees in seconds. If you repeat this every night for around a week to 9 days, they should all be gone for a good period of time.

I have had success with all bird species with exception to owls. They seem not to be effected or too much bothered by the laser.
It seems that birds of prey are not bothered by the reflecting mirrors or the laser light. We do not yet have an explanation for this.

Bye Bye Fruit Eating Birds.........

Bird Behaviour

It is important to know how birds behave in order to control them. Here are some facts to help understand bird behaviour:

- Large flocks of birds are easier to scare than small ones. (For this reason we introduced a product that will even scare off individual birds)
- Most birds will fly 25 km from a roosting site to feed, flying at up to 70 km/hr in short bursts.
- Bird damage patterns can vary considerably from year to year and from farm to farm.
- Bird damage is usually localized and not uniformly distributed throughout an area.
- Birds are opportunists, feeding on whatever is available.
- It is difficult to break birds of the habit of feeding in a particular area once they are established, thus we manage to disturb them even though they are used to feeding on one land in a silent yet highly effective manner.
- Birds establish their home territory in different times of the year and often remain in the area until the crop ripens, is depleted or harvested.
- Crops near roosting or nesting areas, woodlots or ponds are more vulnerable than those in the open.
- Birds acclimate quickly to uniform movements or noise patterns. That is why we use a reflective product that will seem not to have a uniform movement, but that a product that reflects in just about every direction and inch of the land.
- Different species of birds respond differently to various repellent methods like scare crows, noise or bird predator sound calls and so on, but just about all bird species are bothered by sudden bursts of light, while in flight or stationary.
- Birds can be diverted to other nearby feeding areas not fitted with our Harvest Protector.
- Birds often follow the same flight patterns to feed. Thus once they are not comfortable while feeding, they will find a new source that is less stressful.
- Birds usually feed early in the morning around sunrise and late in the afternoon around sunset.
- Some birds travel in migratory flocks, while others fly in from local woods.
- Birds feeding on your crop will attract other birds, compounding the problem.
- The sweeter and earlier the grape or cherry variety, the more attractive it is to the birds.
- Even if crops are protected with netting, birds may perch on the nets and feed through them or find small holes.


Reflect danglers
R165.00 each

The reflective dangler works best on crops and land that is freshly planted in conjunction with the solar powered spinner.

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